Professional Ethics Examination Requirement


The Provincial Constituent Members of the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists have agreed that all new applicants for technician and technologist certification will be required to write a professional practice exam that is based on ethics and other areas of importance to practicing technicians and technologists.

Accordingly, the ITP Council has stipulated that as of September 1st, 2006, all applicants who apply for certification will be required to write an exam which contains questions on the ITP Code of Ethics and Interpretation Guidelines. The exam consists of twenty-five multiple choice questions.

Applicants will be required to study information from the following sources:

The applicant is to complete the Professional Ethics Exam and return it with their application for certification. The onus is on the applicant to obtain a copy of “The Canadian Professional Engineering Practice and Ethics” book, but copies of this book can be found at the Holland College library in Charlottetown, and can be signed out.

You can find the exam on our Forms page or by clicking here



Applicants of who have had an “Ethics course” included as part of their accredited program do not have to do this ethics exam as part of their application process, as long as they provide proof of passing such course in their application package.